Ep. 64: The Blockchain Bridge Builders Creating The Future of Money

Henrik Aasted Sørensen

CTO & Co-Founder


On This Episode

Henrik, co-founder and CTO of e-Money, has worked most of his career on finding solutions to big problems via technology development. He even achieved some early internet celebrity for his famous (and infamous in advertising circles) contribution to user experience by creating the first open-source ad blocking software in the early 2000s. Henrik saw similar issues in banking and solutions via blockchain technology. He believes banking can be simpler, more secure, and more transparent to users, which led him to develop e-Money.

Henrik believes “bridging traditional bank accounts to blockchain” can simplify how we use money. But developing these solutions in the early days wasn't easy. Choosing the right technology “stack” was critical and Henrik explains why his team felt building on Cosmos was the right way to build from the beginning.

Utilizing Cosmos’ stable coin environment enabled cross-border transactions in a secure and decentralized environment, completely removing the need for a financial middle-man. “From the beginning, we modeled our stable coins...to travel between different blockchains, different networks,” Henrik explained.

The e-Money team continues to work on its multi-coin model, with a stable coin and staking mechanism coin as two key elements of their offering. Since last fall, Henrik has noticed a huge increase in attention and curiosity toward this sort of financial service, although some regulations are needed moving forward. Henrik is excited to see how this technology will transform modern banking in the years to come.

Check out this episode to hear more from Hunter and Henrik about the financial revolution that is e-Money and blockchain token technology.

More About Henrik

Entrepreneurial-spirited, pioneering technologist with 15+ years within financial infrastructures of building complex web applications within the financial sector. Henrik has spearheaded successful ventures with a particular focus on simplifying real-world issues through technology.

Henrik is renowned in the technology sector for writing the code and inventing Adblock, the world’s best ad blocker with over 60 million users and one of the most popular Chrome extensions with 350 million downloads. He created Adblock as a procrastination project to distract himself from university. He created Adblock as an open source tool and ever since has been a fan of the open source movement.

As an independent software developer, Henrik has built products for large companies in several industries, notably finance and logistics. He truly believes in the ethos of blockchain technology and in the use of open source and collaboration in making the best out of new technologies.

Henrik recently co-founded e-Money, built for global payments to improve the legacy banking system with a single efficient blockchain layer that offers lower transaction costs, instant payments, with the vision to democratise payments and achieve financial inclusion.

Henrik holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Technical University of Denmark and a Master of Science in IT from the prestigious IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.


Ep. 65: Making Data Visible


Ep. 63: Bridging the Alternatives Investment Gap