Ep. 43: Clearing The Smoke Between Cannabis and Banks

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Kevin Hart

Founder and CEO, Green Check Verified

On This Episode

In an ever-changing industry with evolving rules and regulations, it is vital to have a well-oiled compliance rules engine. That is, at least, what Kevin Hart would say. The latest Financial Experience Podcast guest is the CEO of Green Check Verified, a company that has modernized how cannabis businesses and financial institutions work together.

Kevin entered the cannabis industry to solve one of its largest operational problems - access to financial services. His team created a web-based platform that enables financial institutions to identify and onboard compliant cannabis businesses. The point of sales system was manufactured to analyze financial activity and present information with clear visibility, which helps lessen the fear of getting involved in this growing industry.

Cannabis-related businesses have to juggle variability in rules between states (or even cities and counties), and Kevin explains that some of these rules could change overnight. At the heart of what Green Check does is their compliance rules engine, which helps financial institutions form compliant partnerships. To handle the different regulations, their system helps with safely accepting deposit dollars, monitoring accounts, enabling regulatory reporting, and tracking the exact point in time of transactions.

As the industry continues to transform, Hunter asks how to prepare for the future. Kevin vocalizes, “The future is today.” He assures that with a defined program and management of your cannabis portfolio of accounts, you can bank cannabis today. Looking forward to the next few years, Kevin is most excited about the growing momentum in legislation and seeing more people involved in the scaling cannabis industry.

Tune in to the latest podcast episode to hear more from Hunter and Kevin on Green Check Verified and their move to modernize cannabis banking.

More About Kevin

Kevin Hart is the Founder & CEO of Green Check Verified, a compliance technology and services company enabling banks and credit unions to safely, efficiently and profitably offer banking services to cannabis-related businesses. Kevin brings four decades of enterprise software experience as part of his founding vision for Green Check. He has worked in the C-Suite for a variety of software companies with global clients and partners, and he has led two companies to successful exits with publicly traded companies, as well as another to an IPO. With decades of experience at the helm of venture backed companies, Kevin has brought together an unmatched team to help him lead Green Check to its leading position in the cannabis financial services market.


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