Ep 19 : Here For Good



Tammy O’Shea

SVP, Chief Marketing Officer, Fidelity Bank

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans and chaos ensued. Many things changed locally and nationally as a result, but it also served as catalyzing event for the use of one technology we take for granted today: text. Tammy O’Shea, the Chief Marketing Officer at Fidelity Bank, was leading marketing at a now-acquired local bank at the time, and remembers how necessity was the mother invention during that period. People adapted quickly because they had to adapt quickly.

Fast forward to 2020, Tammy and Fidelity Bank find themselves adapting to a different, unexpected crisis. Their tagline “Here For Good” isn’t just marketing fodder. It’s a mission that runs through their organization and a catalyst for how they serve their communities.

On the latest podcast, Tammy breaks down how she’s evolved the Fidelity brand in her time as CMO, how she’s leveraged opportunities afforded from the PPP loan program, and shares a few thoughts on some of the best places to eat in New Orleans.

More About Tammy

Tammy O’Shea has 27 years of experience in branding, marketing, public relations, event planning and sales management. She currently serves as Chief Marketing Officer of Fidelity Bank and the Bank’s Mortgage Division, NOLA Lending Group. Her duties include developing brand strategy and supervising all public relations, sponsorships, corporate events, advertising and social media efforts. In addition, she serves as the Bank’s corporate spokesperson and media relations expert. She holds a BA in Journalism from Louisiana State University and is a graduate of the American Bankers Association School of Bank Marketing and the Southeastern School of Sales Management at Vanderbilt. She servers on the ABA Marketing Conference is Advisory board. Prior to her career in the financial service industry, Tammy was an account executive for broadcast media sales. 


Ep 20: What’s At The Core Of Banking’s Future?


Ep 18: The Making Of “The Girl Banker”