Ep. 38: New Growth Mindset

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Jeffery Kendall

Chief Executive Officer, Nymbus

On This Episode

Community banks and credit unions face a continuous onslaught of noise surrounding the latest transformative digital solutions, but Nymbus has set a course to do business differently. Jeffery Kendall, appointed CEO of Nymbus in 2020, joined the podcast to talk about his philosophy as a technology provider and where he sees the greatest opportunities for banks and credit unions.

Jeffrey admits to having somewhat of an allergic reaction to software vendors that try to sell solutions to problems that do not exist - which can be commonplace in the software tech space. He knows Nymbus can solve real problems, and he explains the emerging need for vendors to come together and do business in a better way in order to reduce risks for banks. For far too long, the financial sector has been debilitated by lengthy contracts and fragmentation of integration between lines of business and tools.

The definition of “digital bank” is still evolving, but Jeffery sees it as a bank that is focused on targeting segments that are achievable through digital channels rather than relying on geographic segmentation. One of the main focuses that sets businesses in the digital banking space apart is having a “growth mindset.” The need for user-friendly banking apps is covered, but the next step in the evolution of digital revolves around how to engage customers and create opportunities to add new products and markets. We discuss the “heart share” and what banks can offer to connect with consumers beyond an affinity to a location.

What excites Jeffery for the future of Nymbus? A growing market ripe with opportunities for new and existing players in the financial services arena. Whether it is brands who would not be traditionally considered a financial institution being able to participate in the financial services ecosystem, or partnering with smaller banks to give them hope through a growth plan, the team at Nymbus is motivated to remain part of the solution.

More About Jeffery

Jeffery Kendall is Chief Executive Officer of Nymbus, a cloud-based ecosystem that helps banks and credit unions transform their capabilities and drive value in today’s digital marketplace.

Jeffery is a steadfast leader, spending the last twenty years developing technologies and building organizations that have revolutionized industries. Most notable being Kony DBX, serving as the Executive Vice President and General Manager, Kendall successfully grew the digital banking division by an astounding 500 percent in two and a half years, leading to a Temenos acquisition in 2019 for $580 million.

Jeffery is a visionary who believes digital is not a destination - it’s a journey from where you’ve been to where you want to go and is committed to taking that journey with financial institutions.


Ep. 39: Tech Rising From Community Banking


Ep. 37: Embedding Finance’s Future