Ep. 83: Fixing the 401(k): More Personal, More Choice, More Control
Eliza Arnold
Co-Founder, ARNIE
On This Episode
Eliza Arnold, co-founder of ARNIE, realized she wasn’t entirely sure where her 401(k) investments would go, or what it would go to support, so she and her sister decided to find a better and more personalized way for people to invest.
There hasn’t been much change in 401(k) plans since their start nearly 40 years ago. Typically, funds are not flexible or personalized, so it can be harder to invest in the best way for each individual. Many Americans are also not fully aware of the values of the companies they invest in. This is what Eliza hoped to change through Arnie.
“That gives us infinite flexibility to then build you, as an individual employee, your own personalized portfolio that can take into account anything,” says Eliza.
By taking into account the raw ESG reports of each company, it becomes easier to see which companies are claiming to be socially responsible, and which ones are actually making a real impact. This gives consumers a better understanding of how and what their investments are contributing to, and whether or not they support each company’s values.
Eliza says, “I firmly believe that you can invest with your values and also benefit in the same way, if not better.” She hopes that in the future, people and businesses will become more excited about and open to a decrease in the use of funds and an increase in personalized 401(k) plans.
Listen to this podcast to learn more about personalizing and taking control of your investments with Hunter and Eliza.
More About Eliza
Eliza Arnold is co-founder of ARNIE, a full-service 401(k) provider that makes it easy for businesses to offer a customized, flexible, and values-aligned retirement plan for their employees.